American History & Presidents


The influence of President Bush’s faith on his foreign policy has been greatly exaggerated by both friends and foes. Enthusiasts proudly call the president’s foreign policy “faith based.” Detractors angrily assert that the president invaded Iraq and removed Saddam Hussein … Continue reading

Another Close Election? Maybe Not

Consider the following scenario.  Articles of impeachment are voted on in the House of Representatives against the President, who is acquitted in the Senate.  This comes after a divisive war, which pitted political elites and their followers throughout the country … Continue reading

A Parody: Euro-Kerry

Here’s a pesky thought for Kerryites. The chances of the French warming up to their guy if he becomes President are about as great as Jacques Chirac smothering his escargot with Heinz Ketchup. Consider the following scenario. John Kerry’s just … Continue reading

What? Me Trust You?

The last time Americans got involved in a major culture war, citizens across the land dusted off their Springfield muskets and joined the nearest regiment. This time every attorney worth his or her shingle is going down a checklist that … Continue reading

Nuking The Blues

This week marks the fifth anniversary of one of the worst weeks in the history of Fort Worth, Texas. What happened that week was a demonstration of evil and good, of a mad killer at work and a kind community … Continue reading

Christianity and Conservatism

After drafting an Op-Ed piece entitled “Ronald Reagan and the Face of Conservatism” this week, I resolved to also write a brief piece on the relationship between Christianity and Conservatism. Before heading up to my study to begin, my wife … Continue reading

Stay Out of the Draft

After the Vietnam War, when the draft was history, Army Chief of Staff General Creighton Abrams redesigned the all volunteer Army so it would never again be sent to war without the support of the American people. To that end, … Continue reading

Beware the Serpent’s Promises

I teach courses in humanities and military history at Grove City College, an “enthusiastically Christian” college in rural northwestern Pennsylvania. This morning I concluded my Humanities 302 course with the Home Box Office movie “Conspiracy” which depicts a conference held … Continue reading

What Did You Do in the Vietnam War?

The statue of three soldiers positioned near the Vietnam War Memorial misrepresents the typical Vietnam veteran. While the statue depicts soldiers in a rifle platoon, only a minority, about 20-percent of all Vietnam War veterans, served in such a capacity. … Continue reading