Economics & Political Systems

When Humans Don’t Procreate: An Update

Two years ago, I wrote about the pending global population implosion. Demographers predict that 90 countries will lose population between now and the year 2100. Shrinking populations have portentous implications, including major shifts in geopolitical power and the possible financial collapse … Continue reading

Green Heroin vs. the Call to Work

Addiction to government handouts continues to be a significant economic and societal issue. Recently, some authors have sounded the alarm by tagging the current CARES Act freebies as a form of “green heroin.” This addiction to green dollars has caused … Continue reading

My Year Without Baseball

Editor’s note: This article first appeared at the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Sitting in the lobby of a Washington hotel having drinks with friends, I glanced at the television and was pulled in by images of October baseball — the playoff season. … Continue reading

Uncle Sam Plays Market

GPS. The internet. Airbags. These wonders of modernity have something in common. Without government, many commentators hold, they wouldn’t exist. And perhaps these voices are right. Take GPS, developed by the Department of Defense to enhance coordination among military units. … Continue reading

Toyota Drifts Outside Its Lane

The Toyota Motor Company is one of the largest automobile manufacturers in the world. As of February 2021, the company ranked #10 on the Forbes Global 500 with revenues of more than $240 billion. The only other car company ranking … Continue reading

MLB Strikes Out in Cuba

Editor’s note: A version of this article first appeared in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. “MLB remained absent-mindedly and cowardly mute on the Cuban people’s freedom struggles, despite the game’s close ties with Cuban players.” So writes David, a Grove City College … Continue reading