The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism – 2021 – Papers

Thank you for being part of the 2021 conference “The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism” hosted by the Institute for Faith & Freedom at Grove City. Below are links to download a PDF copy of the conference whitepapers. PLEASE NOTE: This is a page for students and conference attendees only. This link is not to be shared or distributed and no whitepaper may be quoted or cited without the permission of the Institute. Thank you.

Dr. Matthew Berry “Christianity, Economics, and the Common Good”

Dr. Marvin Folkertsma “The Progressive Establishment and America’s Second Civil War

Dr. Mark Hendrickson “The Fatal Attraction of Socialism”

Dr. Paul Kemeny “Protestant Traditionalist Conservatives and Capitalism during the Gilded Age”

Dr. Paul Kengor “The Spirit of Democratic Socialism”

Dr. Joshua Mayo “How to Be a (Capitalist without Ceasing to Be a) Conservative”

Dr. Gary Scott Smith “A British Perspective on Democratic Capitalism and Socialism”

Dr. John Sparks “Private Property: Essential to Democratic Capitalism”

Dr. Caleb Verbois “Conservatism’s Cloudy Future”

Mr. Lewis Waha “Banning Straws, Guns and Chicken Sandwiches”

Mr. Alex Welch “Making the Best out of Imperfect Humans: The Case for American Institutions